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Random thoughts at 3am - Part 2

Hey peeps,
Howa you sailing?
After the overwhelming response to the part one and many many requests for the part two, here I present to you another set of random thoughts..
And if you haven't checked the part 1 already .. What are you doing with your life man?? Go check it out and come back.
I'm waiting.. Right here..
Hurry!!! 😛 😛

Here is the link to it 👇

PC @Amritha Jan
Okay come on...
Productivity time..
Let's rant...

🙃 Sometimes I just wonder how people can be so irresponsible, when they call me on my land-line and ask "hey where are you?" Like yeah I have twiddled that land line over my neck a couple of times and I'm rowing a boat, in the middle of the Pacific ocean just to do some fishing coz I wanted to kill time!! Oh Crap!!

🙃 I hate it when I have a good hair day and my makeup on point (which very rarely happens. Most of the time I look like a hungry alien still figuring out it's purpose in life) all dressed up and I don't stumble upon people of importance! Oh! what a waste!!! Why am I even alive!??

🙃 Why is it that parallel parkings are harder especially when someone is watching? I literally feel like I'm giving a test. (Oh come on you are a damn license holder! You can do it!)

🙃 U never realize how noisy the simplest of simple things are until you have to get past your sleeping mom without waking her up, for a hangout. (As simple as - yawning, gulping water from the flask, or even looking from side to side .... Oh! I think that's a bit too much of an exaggeration)

🙃 Have you ever thought about this? A person's death certificate could actually be a ghost's birth certificate. Hmmmmmmm... How spooky!! 👻 ☠️

🙃 When an ant finds few tiny sugar cubes on the way home, that you accidentally dropped in the morning while making yourself that bland, tasteless coffee and it quickly takes a U turn to inform its head about something that could let them survive for another decade  and then you quickly clean up the mess, literally.. literally making the reporter ant - a liar!! Awww!! How cruel you are!? You giant moron! Do you even realize that poor ant could even be fired for lying?!

🙃 I always used to wonder why do they have the 100% attendance award in schools? Like.. do you wanna check my immune system and it's functions? What if I'm a weak baby. How prejudiced and biased people are! Grrrrrrrr.... 😔

🙃 Atleast once in your lifetime, a thief would have crossed you wanting to steal that handbag of yours. But he didn't. Why? May be to him it seemed more like a useless piece of rag hanging over your shoulders with no prized possessions, completely deserted and barren just like your head ?
Should I be happy on this statement that I've never been robbed so far or am I supposed to worry about the fact that I don't even fit in a robber's checklist? (Woah! Now that left me thinking)

Yeah peeps.. That's all for today.
Any interesting thoughts that flicker in your mind every now and then, you are free to rant below!! Nah.. Don't worry nobody is going to judge you.
There are weirdos everywhere..
Until next time.
Ciao ♥️


  1. Laughing my ass out legit. It's such a witty cute out of the box humorous and what not post. Your humour sense is one of a kind. Loved it to bits. Haha. Can't stop laughing . Made my day. Thanks

    1. Oh!! Too many good things in one line. ❤️ Thank you so much for the love !

  2. I really like how original you are. Also great idea for a blog post!

  3. Bah ha ha! Oh yes. I just "love" the days when I am "feeling myself" and think I look GOOD... Yet, I spend that day at home ALL DAY LONG and don't see ANYONE! LOL!!!

    1. I could totally relate. How painful that would feel !! 😛

  4. Good one Amree.. That witttttt😉

  5. WOW!!! and that girl...made my day!!!
    LOVE the thought about ants and ghost...sema...keep writing jiggloo <3

    1. Thanks a lot. Happy about it keertha. Keep coming back for more. ❤️

  6. Lovely. In love with your writing style darling. I wish you reach great heights. A Highly talented and a beautiful cheerful individual I ever met. Just like how your presence make us smile in person, your writings do the job too. Feeling so light. Keep going. Will keep supporting.

    1. Aww.. That's so sweet of you. Thank you so much Sandra. Glad that you are enjoying my work. ☺️

  7. Hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. That's what I did throughout the post What a fun read. �� The world needs more ppl lyk yew.

    1. Haha. Definitely and people like you too, to keep our spirits high. Thank ya.

  8. Awesome thought process. Enjoyed the article so much. Thanks. Part 1 was awesome too. You are such a wierdo. Haha.

    1. Well.. We all are at some point!! Thank you so much Ann..

  9. I liked your fluid writing style and thoughts. Really nice one there.

  10. Wow. Your creative juices are flowing everywhere. I'm going to read all the other posts of yours right away.. You have me a way to keep my dayday happy. So creative and brilliant

    1. Thanks heaps. That's a good decision taken. It isn't deceptive. You can go on. 😀

  11. "Annae ungalukku arivo arivu nae" moment !!
    Reporter Ant was Ultimate! Haha!

  12. Interesting thoughts. I specifically find the parallel parking one funny. It's so true. Thanks for sharing!

  13. I love your thought. That's an interesting read. I love such blogs

  14. I can absolutely relate to your thoughts about being dressed up and having nowhere to go!

  15. Thanks for sharing your interesting musings. The #StruggleIsReal on the parallel parking situation - like, just let me parallel park in peace lol

  16. I hate when I have my makeup and my hair done and I don't see anybody as well. And when I`m in my pj's and my hair a mess I see everybody!!!

  17. I was just thinking about great my hair was looking now that it's almost time for bed. What is that about?


  18. The thoughts born at night, in my opinion, are always the most sincere. The most real. Those that we should all follow.

  19. what a fun read! this was great for the mi-day friday blues I'm having right now :-)

  20. So....I had no idea that someone (at least once) would try to rob me in my lifetime. Now i'm a little worried. >.<

  21. I hate parking and I do get nevous when others are watching. I will park far away just to avoid a tight spot.

  22. Ok, I relate to the parallel parking one so much!

  23. The 100% perfect attendance award makes me so angry. I'm 100% certain that's the reason why my have like an 80% rate because we're responsible enough to keep our kids home when they're sick.

  24. I had to laugh about the good hair and makeup day. That happens to me often and it seems like a waste lol

  25. Something about late night ramblings always makes me laugh. I always have the strangest things cross my mind late at night.

  26. This is real talk right there! Hahaha You literally made my day. Keep the good stuff coming girl!! Loved this post.


  27. The death/birth certificate got me! Hahahaha you're a very keen observer.

  28. Haha! I can relate to the day you dress up well, get your makeup and hair so awesome then you don't meet the people you were intending. It always feels so wasted!

  29. Love these 3am ramblings! I agree with the parallel parking one - why can't I do it when someone else is with me?!

  30. Whoa 3 am! Love how your brain works and your style - keep it up! Also... if you write at 3am, what time do you sleep!

  31. You are funny! I am with you on the parallel parking and going out fancy and having an uneventful day! Ah well, at least the (wo)man in the mirror knows you tried!

  32. Jessica Taylor2 March 2019 at 09:14

    Parallel parking is the WORST! And it never fails that every time I do it I have people watching lol

  33. I agree with the attendance thing wholeheartedly, I was always amazed by the people who never miss a day!

  34. 3am thoughts are always so random, arent they? I always think about things that I cant do anything about.

  35. Very interesting post and I like your thoughts. Thanks for sharing this post.

  36. How funny! I like your sense of humour😊 I need tk agree with that hair and make up thoughts and always when I look shit I need to meet everyone🤣

  37. Thank you everyone for being so kind and lovely. ❤️ 😍 Glad that. Sending Lots and lots of love. ❤️

  38. The reporter ant thing is hilarious! Love this post x


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