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Random thoughts @ 3am- Part 1

Have you ever been in the state where your mind gets piled up with insane, uncategorized thoughts about random things in life which you do not find a platform to rant about?
Well.. Here are some of those "Random Rants"...

⚡When you express your opinion in a group and suddenly realize that no one was listening and you try to act relaxed and casual, though you felt like the most dumb and imbecile person sitting there.

⚡When you exit your 18page word document after a tedious edit and give a "No" involuntarily to the "Do you want to save the changes made?" and then.. after realization, experience that mini heartattack.

⚡Have you ever had the urge to shout this out.. "Dr.Batra .. I definitely do not need your hair transplants nor your special hair loss treatments nor your homeopathic hair fall therapy. So... Stop spamming my inbox !!"

⚡When ever the damn light goes off, your ill-mannered uncivil mind deliberately pushes you into thoughts of ghosts, which otherwise would never cross your mind.

⚡And why is it that everytime I decide to smile at my neighbour aunty (which I rarely rarely rarely do) she doesn't look at me and I end up standing there like a retarded seal?

⚡When you clean your room with the vacuum cleaner and then you clean the vacuum cleaner. So who actually is the Vacuum Cleaner here?!

⚡Why is it that the rule book of card games like UNO are used only when there is a clash of opinions? Why can't people be "pre-pared"?

⚡While shampooing your hair, have you ever thought of the movie scene where the ghost runs it's hands between the strands of hair of the person taking the shower? No? Don't worry you will today.. (*chuckle chuckle*)

⚡Life decisions??? Nevermind!! I still be like.. .....H,I,J,K.......LMNOP......LMNOP,Q,R,S,T.......U,V,W,X,Y,Z.
(in the same tone as how my kindergarten teacher taught me) to check which letter comes next.

⚡Have you ever walked with two of your friends on a footpath and tried to fit awkwardly escaping those small barriers that come your way?
(as SMALL as lamp posts, dogs, other humans).
(Enjoyed reading? Want more? Will make a Part-2) ☺
So, which one could you relate to?


  1. Haha... The Shower one ! You scared me....

  2. cool one ;) especially that neighbour aunty's no smile reaction of yours . could totally relate to. it happened to me few days ago. haha..

  3. :'( The document thing ...
    After final proof reading of my thesis document I gave a NO by mistake. And lost all the changes :'( I got a heartattack literally.

    1. Aww.. now that's a heartattack indeed. 🙄

  4. Night time thinking in the dark and Dr.Batra's mail both suffered me a lot.

  5. Extremely true about the Batra mails. In one way feeling contented to see there are ppl like me who receive his mails. Thank you for that.

  6. Superb one. I can't wait for part2 already :) :)

  7. Rofl.
    Friends in footpath with small barriers huh . I have faced it al my life .. Nice sarcasm though.
    keep going girl ..

  8. Chandni NjavallY5 June 2018 at 11:08

    Of course to all those ....:D specifically a NO after reading 'do you want to save the changes a THREE times perfectly ;)

    1. Haha.. 😂 😂
      Somethings can't be avoided.. in life.

  9. Very funny. Gave me a morning laugh with my coffee😂

    1. Good to hear that.. Your morning coffee has now got a new companion. 😜 You better hold on tight.

  10. Haha, you clean your room, then you clean the vacuum cleaner and later you have to clean yourself. Who really then is the cleaner. Got me thinking. Good post

    1. Thank you ovyay. Your write-ups do the same as well. 😊

  11. I agree with all of them, I even loled at a few! Can’t wait for part two!

  12. Very nice article


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