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7 Annoying things people usually fake about

Finding fake things and people is lot more easier today than bumping into their genuine counterparts. In fact the most common thing people fake about these days is about having an exemplary, ultimate and the best weekend, while you would have in reality just dragged yourself from room to room in your dirty pyjamas binge watching your favourite Netflix series for the twenty fifth time with a huge basket of popcorn which you engulfed all by yourself.

Faking has really become an everyday business today and it is okay only unless and until it doesn't annoy the person in front of you. Have you come across really exasperating and pesky people who annoyingly pretend certain things that it becomes so obvious.... so obvious.. that it is fake??!! 😒

Well here is a list of things that people by and large fake about.....

😏 Looks
"Make up? No not at all.. This is how I wake up. May be you should start drinking more water", says the lady who I happen to stumble upon everyday in the lift on the way to work. Someone in her mid 40s hiding those umpteen parlor bills of skin tightening, skin lightening, pedicure, manicure, keratin treatments and what not.... But all in vain.

😏 Genuinity
To that unmarried colleague of mine who is in a profound and indispensable hunt for a groom who says, "Looks don't matter for me. Personality does. I do not mind marrying a darker skinned guy or a physically challenged guy or a guy with less than 5 digit salary" (and lectures and lectures about how great she is).. Then why the hell does your recent Google search result indicate "Fair handsome and rich grooms abroad - wanted".

😏 Their salary
The uncle next door who had been recently promoted as the assistant manager of his branch "They had just raised my duties at work and there is no change in the wages part. As usual nothing stays in hand. It comes and goes for expenses you know"
The inner me, "Oh yeah ofcourse I know. I am blind and I can't see the shiny double door smart refrigerator at your home peeping out through the curtains nor that 4k ultra HD TV that is unable to rest its butt over the little stand that was previously holding a 30inch. I totally cannot spot the SUV parked at your parking lot which previously had a hatch back white car with three scratches two of which I had gifted it with during a small scuffle with your son. I am blind uncle. I don't see anything. Trust me" (Face palm).

😏 Age
Aunties faking their age with that thick thicker and thickest sheet of mask on their faces who still believe and force us to believe that they are in their early 30s whilst I am in my late 20s myself.

😏 Family
And then there is this cool toned neighbour who pretends as if she had been blessed with the best daughter in law in the whole universe, where as we witness every evening how she gets punished by her daughter in law for coming home late with vessels flying over to her with cuss words and how she manages to escape them like a ninja whenever there is an issue in their house.

😏 Knowledge
There is this one person (or if you are blessed and extremely lucky you will have a bunch of them around) who knows everything and anything. Talk about the world cup, or global warming, or the new cancer drug or what Deepika wore at the Cannes, they have answers to them all. Stories and stories and stories that indicate no sense of significance nor reliability but extreme nerve and confidence.

😏 New arrivals/happy milestones
The new mommy to be not revealing the exact due date of her pregnancy as if I would on that particular day rush to the labor ward and thrust the baby that has just popped out back in the uterus.

And to that newly appointed granny of a 12 month old toddler, when I ask,
"So aunty, Has your grandson started to walk?"
She replies, "Well no dear, not yet he is just trying to stand up"
My mind voice. "But I saw him walk with his grandpa yesterday to the shop. I know it but still had to ask as I didn't have any other fillers for the extremely awkward conversation with you. And you do this to me? Because you feel my evil eyes will strike your child? And he would probably forget about walking and begin crawling backwards on the walls instead. Oh man! Everyone knows what toddlers do at their first year of growth. He cannot do a javelin or a triple jump or a salsa, all he could do is obviously walk. And you are trying to keep that a top secret? "
Kudos to you mam!!!

Well... So that was it... Funny people and their funny ideologies!!

Wanna add more to the list?
Feel free to rant your encounters below👇👇
Until next time,
Love love 💕


  1. Matrimony search was awesome you nailed it 😆😆😆😆😆😂😂

  2. Theblogress.com21 May 2019 at 13:10

    Wow! Such a cool post. Thanks for the read. Your nerves are so funny. Humorous one indeed.

  3. Haha. Lovely girl. Especially I don't understand what's with these new moms and their families. I have such experiences too. So relatable.

  4. Yes. Had encountered the salary one and the knowledge freaks. God damn. They are too annoying.

  5. Lovely post. Lovely flow. Lovely page. Lovely you!!!! ❤

  6. Silverspoonandme21 May 2019 at 13:19

    Haha I begin crawling backwards on the Wal instead?? Lol. You and your analogies. Damn funny. ��
    We all lie about our weekends though... Good article.

  7. Hahaha Knowledge is definitely a good one! These are all funny and pretty spot-on!

  8. Yes to all of these. I've found that generally the happier and more 'perfect' someone's life appears on their Facebook page, the more miserable they actually are in real life

  9. This is such a great and true list! Family shouldn't be on there, but definitely is!

  10. You've literally nailed everything! I mean, this is all so true though.

  11. I hate that this is all true xd

  12. Lol😅😅😅😅😂😂😂cant stop laughing....hilarious...
    or am i just fake lauging?? Wink wink😆

  13. I drink water all day long and I never wake up looking fabulous hahaha

  14. I like the fact how updated your blogs are. The way you have incorporated Cannes into this random topic . It's simply superb. I wish you make the best career out of writing. Coz I sincerely believe you have that hidden spark in you. Which is overpowering through your personality and words. Loved each and every writeup of yours.
    Wishing you the best of everything in life ♥️

  15. I am so bad but I lie when I see an ugly baby and say how adorable they are. Not all babies are cute!

  16. Lol, I totally agree with the points you made. People fake a lot of stuff and it really has to do with their own insecurities most of the time. Great read.

  17. Though it can be upsetting that so many people fake things it's really sad when you think about it. That people should feel so insecure about who they really are that they need to hide it away. :-(

  18. Some people fake things because they yearn to be someone that they're not. It's like a fitness model who preaches about healthy nutrition and then goes home and eats a slice of chocolate cake for dinner everyday.

  19. I don't know why people don't be more transparent, but I suppose we all carry something inside.

  20. These are all good points. Have to stay true to yourself no matter what!

  21. Wow people do fake alot! I think people fake because they want to be something they are not.

  22. Don’t forget social media... the pinnacle of the fake life!

  23. It so true and you nailed it. You also got me cracking up.

  24. You totally nailed it! i hate when people fake it, esp when it is not a point. I mean why do you hide you work hard to look good? I just don't get it

  25. Hahahaha I really loved your post�� and there is also your classmates that lie about studying heard and keep sayind that they are playing video games at home and they get straight As at the exams ���� I really don't know why ��

  26. Lol. There is so much truth to many of these. Why can't people just be true to themselves and be honest? When people ask about my weekend, I proudly state that I was lazy and barely left my pajamas and Netflix! Own it!

  27. Absolutely love this! Authenticity should always be at the front and center. Have to admit its easier said than done and i sometimes fall into the pit of being fake but this is a reminder and validation to just be you and never worry about the perception of other people.

  28. Hahaha - this was a good laugh! I struggle with listening to fakeness and not calling them out!

  29. Like House Says: Everybody Lies ��

  30. My face shows when I know that someone is lying. I could never pretend to just accept what they say so I do my best to avoid these people.

  31. Wow!! Lovely. Thank you so much for entertain us, making us laugh, helping us get over a bad day and spreading positivity. One loyal fan of your writings here. I always wanted to say this but here it goes. U are the best at what u are doing. Had been following u since the a while now and recently red all your posts. It's so spot on. Very rare to find funny female bloggers here and you are one among the v. V v. V rare specimens. Thank you for all this and keep rocking. God bless.
    One loyal fan ��

  32. So much truth to this. Well stated. Love the aunties trying to look younger than they are :) I have one of those. Nailed it!!

  33. Some people do like to exaggerate their stories, when it's a blatant lie, I just think "ok that's weird." But then never give it another thought. I don't wanna fill my head with stuff that aren't that significant and doesn't affect my life so I just ignore most of the times.

  34. Hahah I've never really thought about these before. I found the makeup one hilarious. It's the same when people take selfies and use filters... As though they look like that lol.

  35. I have an aunt who lies about her age all the time. She has my whole life. She used to do it to snag younger men (to her credit though she did look the age she claimed). Now she's in her 80's though and still does. Mind boggling lol.

  36. Thank you for the dose of laughter. We all lie, the frequencies of it vary, of course. However, let's not overdo it.

  37. This post made me laugh out loud! I know quite a few of these types, its sad we live in an age where everything and everyone is portrayed as perfect and this leaves people insecure and masking those imperfections when really its fine to be imperfect. we are all imperfect

  38. twinspirationalparties23 May 2019 at 08:39

    Haha this is so funny, I can totally relate to that uncle next door that says, it's all gone for the bills.

  39. Nobody has told me yet to drink water to look good. I think it's somewhat true.

  40. This is so funny! my mom always told me, if you're smart you don't have to tell people you're smart, they'll already know. Same with beauty, athleticism, money, etc. People who walk around advertising about themselves are almost always fake!

  41. Haha! Gave me a good laugh! The salary one is definitely true.

  42. What I’ve found is that people tend to be hypocritical about their own insecurities. Usually whatever they flaunt is really a reflection of what they really want to hide the most from the world or change

  43. Ah! I agree totally! People are so annoying sometimes.

  44. This is so true! I remember faking my age a few times!

  45. It depends on the culture, like in Asia many of us doesn't look like our actual age and its not our fault. We just have good genes!

  46. Sad but true... we live in a fake it till you make it world. What do you expect? LOL

  47. Some of these are so true and were like deja vu!


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