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Feeling awkwardly awkward

In life we all come across some awkward humiliating situations, so awkward that you feel like getting metamorphosed into an ostrich all of a sudden so that you can shove your head into the soil and escape reality. Here are a few such moments we all would have confronted atleast once in our lives.

😒 Making eye contact with someone rushing toward your elevator, trying to get in, but the doors are already closing.

😒 When you narrate a terrible joke to your colleagues, and they don't hear you, so they ask you to repeat it, making the terrible joke even more terrible and useless. In the process of narrating it for the second time, you feel like stopping halfway, thinking, "Dude! I think you're wasting your time."

😒 When you're watching a movie with your family, and out of the blue, the couple starts making out, and your mom stares at you as if you were the assistant director of the movie. You say, "Errr... Popcorn anyone?" and quickly escape into the dark to fetch the non-existent invisible popcorn to avoid the awkward situation.

😒 When your friend or your love gifts you something you don't like at all, and then you pretend as if it's the prettiest thing you've ever come across in the whole wide world!!! You act as if you were alive on this planet just to receive it, as if it were the sole purpose of your existence! Huh... How dramatic!!!!

😒 While watching a TV series, they mention an interdicted DRUG, and your parents discuss what it is, getting into a heated argument. Then you involuntarily explain it to them, proving both of them wrong, and sit there proudly, having avoided an argument that could have even led to a divorce. But the next moment, you find your mom and dad giving you that spooky glare with their jaws dropped! 
You: (embarrassed grin) What! I saw it on the internet, Dad. 
Dad: Check her bag!!!!

😒 When you're shopping and you pull open a dozen of those neatly folded shirts and make a heap of them. When security approaches, you gradually shift places and slowly go through the folded clothes on the rack one by one, pretending as if you had been raised in a royal family with moral ethics and values.

😒Trying to give a friendly hug to someone your friend just introduced, and they come the opposite way, making you both look as if you are going to kiss each other! Arghhhh. How awkward! (Let that be the last time I meet that person. He doesn't even deserve to be in my friend list!)

😒 When you are in a common place, and someone stops their car beside you, opens the door, and makes an effort to come to you, asking about the route to a particular place that you don't know. You either awkwardly smile and say you're not sure, or you confidently provide them with the wrong route. (What! Have you done it?? Oh! How inhumane!?)

😒 When you are in a crowded metro, and your legs are aching like hell because you've been standing there like a corpse for the past 20 minutes. All of a sudden, you get a vacant seat, but it's next to a guy who coughs, has a runny nose, stained teeth, and dandruff, and is so large that you know he would squeeze you if you sat next to him. What would you do!?

😒 When you walk with your friend toward your car in the parking lot, and your skinny friend easily slips through the tiny gap between two cars, leaving you behind. All of a sudden, you realize you're overweight, and it's high time you give up those extra cheese pizzas and deep-fried spicy chicken wings!

😒 When you are at a restaurant trying your favorite meal, and the food gets stuck in your teeth. You try your best to casually pull it out with your tongue between talks and smiles, but it is stuck there like forever, and you have to run to the restroom for the rescue.

😒 In school, when your teacher asks a question, and you try to hide behind the chubby boy sitting in front of you, but he suddenly bends down to take back the pen he had just dropped, and alas! you are in the limelight. 
"Curse you, chubby boy!"

So, what are the awkwardly awkward moments that you have come across in your daily life?


  1. Oh my God. Had such a laugh. Lovely post. The hug thing always happens to me. Don't know if it is me who is doing it wrong.

  2. Awesome ! It is hilarious. One of the best writeups I came across recently.

  3. I love you totally girl .. You never fail to make me smile laugh and chuckle. Hell of a post. Most of the situations are damn true and relatable.

  4. Wow. It was f***ING relatable. Most of them. I literally laughed my ass out. Thank you. The sense of humour and the active flow of words. Lovely. U r a wonder woman.

  5. Wow awesome write-up! Could relate every single thing. Loved that invisible popcorn and metro stuff. You are truly a humour queen. Keep going you will reach places!

  6. Haha that restaurant thing happened to me once. I ordered a pizza and the cheese got stuck to my teeth and I reacted the same way. I was able to relate many stuffs u have written. I really don't know how you manage to write so hilariously. Wish I could get training from you. Hats off seriously!!

  7. Made my day darling😍 lol😅
    Family and sneeze farting😉 once my relative sneeze farted (hehehe) in front of my daughter and the rest was history. We all had a good laugh! Awkward yet hilarious...innocence of kidz!

  8. Lol, yes guilty of a lot of these. Even kiss scenes when I'm watching a movie with my parents makes me wish the sofa would swallow me whole. Cringe! One that happens me a lot with four young kids is pulling something other than my wallet out of my bag to pay for something - usually the clerk just stares until I realise my error, occasionally the good natured staff, will giggle it off - either way I am mortified! Lynda H

  9. Haha. The shopping one caught me. How beautiful and crazy are your explanations . Royal family with values, invisible popcorn, confidently tell a wrong route. Etc. So damn crazy u r. Thank u for makingmy day. In love with every work of yours.

  10. Ahahah all of those situations are quite funny. They can be awkward true but I would not focus on them too much. THe most awkward situations i was in were with people i'd never see again!

  11. There are many situations in life that can make someone feel awkward. I always feel this way when I park my car at the local surpermarket's underground parking but don't buy anything, just go to the gym across the street.

  12. These are hilarious! I always give the wrinw directions to people embarrassing!

  13. Noooo. These are all so cringe-worthy! I'm one of those people that always get embarrassed, even if I'm not the one in the situation.

  14. Ha, these are funny. I am so awkward, so I've had a lot of these moments. I always intend to act like a normal human being, but it rarely turns out like that.

  15. Hilarious! The movie scene with the parents.... hahah. We've all been there.

  16. Ugh! Love scenes on TV with family around is so awkward!

  17. Haha these are so true! i think we've all been in many of these situations


  18. Lovely Ma Gal....

    Relates a lot with u...

    Cracking a wierd joke and so on

  19. LOL these were way to relatable. I swear my often occuring awkward moment is when I am watching a movie and someone comes in right on the "steamy" scene. xD

  20. I feel like I have a awkwardly awkward every day of life. I am always awkward.

  21. Tiffany La Forge-Grau24 April 2019 at 12:37

    It is pretty funny how many people can make us feel awkward in a second. Humans are pretty weird.

  22. ALL OF THESE!!! But I am awkward 99% of my life haahah so it's always a thing for me

  23. lol i can relate to a bunch of these instances, i am still laughing. Yes i am often feeling awkward and you know, this is fine.

  24. oh gosh! This made me laugh so hard. I can tell a few stories of my own. The watching the movie with the parents is a classic. Now it happens to me with my teen kids!

  25. You nailed all these! I literally hate looking at people or talking to them. I'm so socially awkward.

  26. I laughed out loud at a few of these. I still remember those awkward moments when watching movies with parents that featured love scenes.

  27. What a huge list of awkward moments, I can't say that I have experienced many of these but I guess the trick is to try and avoid them as much as possible.

  28. I am at a conference right now and there are so many awkwardly awkward moments here. My best one yesterday was going up to someone and hugging them and realizing it was the wrong person!

  29. I often experience this with new acquaintances and sometimes its depressing because it makes you overthink. Well, its part of our daily life, we just have to live with it.

  30. I have had my fair share of awkward moments. They are always so...awkward!

  31. Reading these made my palms sweat. I can relate to so many of them, especially the ones with involving parents. The worst is when your parents ask you questions about things in the show they don't understand that are very embarrassing. No one wants to explain certain things to their parents.

  32. It doesn't matter how old we get, awkward moments still pop up. I'm waiting for the reverse side with my nieces and nephew, where the ask me an uncomfortable question that I have to answer.

  33. Haha I have experienced many if not all those cringeworthy situations, including being unable to pass through a small gap between two objects :D.

  34. HAHA

    I keep having awkward moments every time.

    I can feel you bro.

  35. Hahaha all the situations are awkwardly too funny! I couldn't stop laughing at the car parking one ;)

  36. You made my day by sharing this article I just enjoying each and every awkward point the best one which i already experienced is that food stuck in between the teeth.

  37. These feelings are so super real. Where I live, in Tonga, it is culturally inappropriate to watch movies with any kissing for young folks of the opposite sex. so once there is a kissing scene. off the movies goes, lol.

  38. These are so super real. I have come through only 4. Wrong route, hugging a new friend who my friend had introduced, chubby boy and gifts by lover or friend.

  39. I can really when it comes to cracking a very dry joke. It reached that point when they were not even laughing about the joke but at me for being so awkward!

  40. I just laughed out loud at the awkward hug part. I have totally done that so many times. SO embarrassing!!

  41. Haha! This is such a great and hilarious list! I'm that awkward person in the restaurant all the TIME! It's crazy! I feel like I've felt all these moments and you described them perfectly!

  42. Thank you soooo much each and everyone of you for the immense love and support. will keep entertaining you guys. Stay tuned. Stay happy.
    Spreading lots n lots of love. ❤️ ❤️
    Amreena. 😊


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