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Relationship threshold

PC: the_capture_diaries

One of the most complicated words of all times! (atleast that's how we are made to believe) But is it? Nah! Not really. Just imagine- you get a soul mate, a confidante, an escort, a playmate, a companion, almost a complete family package including your siblings, your enemy, your crush, the annoying kid next door - all in one - for free free free. It's more like having an twin- an unadopted twin of yours with a lifetime warranty (who is technically not your twin ofcourse) with whom you can share goods and chattels, irritate, feel loved, miss, kiss and what not!?

Have you ever rolled back to how it all began?? You meet your someone special , you get a spark- a thunderbolt strikes, you hear bells everywhere, there is music in your head and the juggling of every other cell in your body, butterflies here and there and everywhere and then finally you realize you are in LOVE. Initially you be all dressed up and poise and well behaved like as if you were the second niece to the Price of Wales (so royal, so elegant) and as the clock ticks by, you both are left doing the filthiest silliest and wierdest things in each other's presence. This my friends is called relationship threshold. (Not sure if something like this really exists. Just thought about it yesterday while shooing away the damn mosquito that had almost made me question my existence on earth at bloody 2.15 am).

Have you ever felt so comfortable with someone, so comfortable that farting in their presence dint mean a big deal to you?? Yes?? No? Sometimes?? They say "Couples that fart together, stay together". Come on get your partner and tell him you've found the easiest therapy to live longer. Lol 😛

Well.. Here are 7 signs that you have reached your relationship threshold.

❤️ You no more need to cover yourself up in those trizillion makeup goods and fixing sprays and fake lashes to impress him. He already loves you in that early morning "I woke up like this" face. You guys had connected that innerself cord already. Keep going!! No more painful waxings! Yay!

❤️ All of a sudden your hubby boy rings and says - Honey, why don't we order some pizza tonite. You can take some time off. Don't you think you have been doing a lot these days and it's high time I give you that Queenish treatment." And you go all awwwwwwww.. Listening to those doting cheesy words roll off his mouth one by one, And later that night find out that it was the consequence of the coupon of Papa Jones (buy one get one free) that he received in the fuel station for a full tank earlier that day.

❤️ When you get so much attached to a Netflix series and you both run home from work just to watch an extra episode of Money Heist and sit together crying and ranting about "How unfair life is? How can Berlin die? He was so cute!"

❤️ He has already become your coffee maker, insect killer, nutella jar opener, jacket and hoodie provider, high shelf reacher, comfy couch alternate, body heat provider, lost things finder, your mental battery charger, trial rat (on every other experimental dish you make) , your all time compliment giver, your perpetual delivery boy, your bad mood killer and WHAT NOT? !! 😍

❤️ When you no longer need to nibble in front of your partner, cautiously thinking about the new edition viva glam lustre lip gloss getting faded and a bit of it sliding down the oesophagus into your tummy. You are relationship goals. Go on! Now you can take a hugeee bite of HIS burger and end up with half a ton chemical in your food bag!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa... (Nevermind! We can always switch to vegan ones).

❤️ You have a hundred thousand customized words in your dictionary. And you use it in public with that pride, so confident that no one could ever understand a morsel of it while in reality it might actually mean "sex" (What????? did anyone say bimblebee bumblebee? ) 😛

❤️ You no longer have to role play a "perfect gentleman" and rush to your lady to pick her up throwing away that extra cheesy burger of which you had just a nibble of, instead you just sit and laugh as how she looks like a retarded slimy seal trying to get up having tripped over the ounce of water that you managed to spill while bringing it all the way from the kitchen.
Nah!! No one is gonna be judgemental anyway! Carry on my boy 😛
Well.. So did you relate to any of it?? Need more relationship advice?? Will make a part 2 if yes.

Until next time.
Love is in the air 💕


  1. Hahaha. Me and my partner never fail to tease how messy our face looks after having a giant chicken burger sandwich.

  2. Your post made me sit and laugh like a mad fellow. Thanks for making my day. I am unmarried but I do have a crush. After reading your post I feel like being in a relationship only if she accepts. Haha. Thank u.

  3. One of the VERY FEW female funny blogger. ❤️ Totally in love with your style. You seem a very positive and lovely human. Would love to meet you in person. Awesome post. Me and my hus read it together. Now he is a fan of your writings too. �� LOL.

    1. Aww.. That's lovely. ❤️ Thanks a ton.

  4. The cheeky_mommy23 March 2019 at 21:50

    Hahahaha. And that mosquito made you hate your existence. Humorous post. Laughed my ass out. Lovely. After reading this I feel like I love my partner more. Awww.. Thank you so much for this.

    1. Glad that. Stay in love forever. ♥️ ♥️ ♥️

  5. Yes yes yes. Part 2 please. Loved it. Totally hilarious Esp the gentle man one and the make up on. So relatable. Haha.

    1. Many more relationship tips and tricks coming up. Stay tuned 😁

  6. This is good! Enjoyed this post! Keep it coming!

  7. Oh no. It's over. I wished this post never ended. Not 7 there had to be 17 or 27 or 77 and I will keep reading without getting bored. Such an awesome flow you have got to your writing. It's just flowwwingggggg.. Awesome. you r such a fun read. My brain is fresh now. I love my girlfriend so much. We have reached the threshold too. Haha.

    1. Thank ya for such lovely compliments. I'm sure you guys must be couple goals ! Spreading more and more love 😍

  8. Wow. How cute that is. You must be really a lovely partner for your guy. He is lucky indeed. Too cute. Such vivid and cute descriptions. The pizza coupon was my favourite. Laughed out loud and my baby almost woke up.

    1. Lucky!? Thank you.. I guess he thinks the same way too. 😁 ❤️

  9. Dingdolphie....hahhaha ssshhhh code word locked...yet another masterpiece

  10. I wish you make not only part 2 but go on and on until 100 or 1000. We all wud love to read all of that. Cute way of expression girl. We too cried after Berlin died in money heist. Lovely correlation

  11. Right from the image to the last line of the post. Everything was on point. I dint take my eye or mind off the screen for a millisecond. That's the power of ur write ups. Awesome it was. Always ur fan. Love u girl.

  12. Relationships are complex because we human beings are complex. I think I had the best relationships when they faced the worst obstacles.

  13. I still remember meeting my husband for the first time. It was like fireworks! I just knew he was the one for me.

  14. I love your personality and your sense of humor! It shines through your your words! Keep it up💕

  15. Haha. This post is spot on. I have to share it with my husband. He ticks each point in this post. ��

  16. It's hilarious. Loved this post.

  17. Haha! I had to laugh at some point but this is good. I can relate and see some of our achievements when I was in a relationship back then. That relationship threshold has to be the 'IT'!

  18. Very interesting write up and cant agree to these points. Relationship are just like a flower that need to tender with care and love.

  19. Great tips that are useful for spouses. Thank for great ideas.

  20. Yeah, some of this was me and my ex-husband. 10 years of marriage yeah we definitely stopped worrying about keeping farts to ourselves, lol

  21. relationship is never easy. it is a work in progress always but it is fun as long as it is healthy. I think we shouldn't get too much not romantic and used to keep it fresh

  22. This is hilarious! I agree with you, there's nothing better than having trust and feeling free in the relationship. I enjoy being around him without makeup! It's the best feeling ever! Pizza nights are my favorite too.


  23. Ha! Oh my gosh, your post gave me quite the laugh! Love your writing style. Keep it up!

  24. This is a hilarious post...truly loved it. It is rare to find funny female bloggers these days. Keep it up!

  25. LOL this is funny - nothing better than an honest relationship where you get to share your flatulence and bowel stories.

  26. Having to play a role when you're with someone can be exhausting. Just be yourself. Everything else will fall into place.


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