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Siblings - The struggle is real

Perks of having a sibling - the annoying one
Scenario 1:
Me: *Smiling at funny memes on my phone*
My sibling : Mom! She has been chatting with her boyfriend for the past 25 hours and 25 minutes !!
Me : #@$%

Scenario 2: 
Me : *walks by*
My sibling: Shut up
Me : No ,you shut up!
My mom : *yells my name*
Me : @#$%!

Scenario 3:
My sibling : *hits my head with a hammer* Strangles me to death* Pushes me into the bathtub full of water* Throws me down from the balcony*
Me *touch her with my pinky finger*
My mom : How could you do it to that poor soul? She could have hurt herself badly?!!!!!
Me : @#$%!

Scenario 4:
Me: *watching tv*
My sibling: Quickly fetches the remote and changes (though it was her favourite show too)
Me : Hey ! Don't you like it too. Come let's watch together.
My sibling : *reactionless* (change change change change for no reason)
Me :@#$%!
Next day: 
My friend : I wish I had a sister too. How cute she is!
Me : Yeah ! I wish you rot in hell 👿👿

Scenario 5:
Me : *Sleeping*
My sibling : *Gets bored* Mom! She is throwing live cockroaches on me !
My mom : That's it ! I am going to throw you into a detention camp ! You manner less girl.!! Let me pack your bags. 
My sibling : (to me) Hey we are going on a trip. Which bag do you prefer?
Me: *yawning* The green one.
My sister: Mom, She wants the green bag. Hurry up!
Me: Zzzzzzzzzzz (@#$%!)

Scenario 6: 
My sibling : Trying to figure out the newly purchased tape recorder. With no idea of how to use it.
Me : * Minding my own business*
My sis : Mom! The tape recorder is broken
My mom : (yelling at me) Oh god ! How dare you do this ? Aren't you supposed to be responsible being elder? Such a waste of life ! Why did I even give birth to you? Fine. You have no place in this house hereafter. Go sleep in the garage. !
Me: @#$%! 

Scenario 7:
Me: Mom, I have a night out with my friends . And around 15 people are going. It's a big group and we are staying at Ritika's home...(signaling my sis to help me, convince mom)
My mom : I am not sure about....
My sibling : Mom just say a yes. Let her go. Infact she is the elder one in the family. We ought to give her some space.
Me: *sigh of relief* "Aww...Thanky........."(before I could complete) 
My sibling : Just hoping that she doesn't get kidnapped or end up in a police station or elope with that cute senior in school.

My mom: (Locks me up in my room for the next one year)
My sibling: *revenge taken* 

So, have you been through any of these or much worse scenarios in life? And before we end, just interchange me and my sibling part in all the mentioned scenarios, because... 90 percent of the time the annoying one is definitely ME 😈😈😈

Until next time..

Spreading smiles😊


  1. Haha. Lovely. Me and my brother fight for tv remote like monsters and end up looking like beggars.
    Made my day. Thank you.

  2. Thetravelblogger3 February 2020 at 04:09

    Completely your style of writing. Another beautiful post. Loved every bit of it. I am a single child. But I can relate every one of this with my cousins. We fight a lot. But miss them a lot now. Thank you for making me relive those moments. ��

  3. Food fashion Life3 February 2020 at 04:10

    You are completely crazy. I mean detention camp? Where do u get such ideas from. Damn funny gurlllll. Always a big fan. ❤

  4. Ooohhh I can guess you being the annoying one. But a cute annoying one. Anyone would love to have Your personality peeks through your write ups. Loving 'em.
    Can I adopt you pleeeeezzzzzzz

  5. Such a. Cute post .❤

  6. Haha, how funny. I'm an only child so I don't know about siblings. I do have two kids, but spaced them apart, so they basically do their own thing.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. ROFL🤣 and that poor soul portrayed here being me!! Could remember every single thing! Kudos to you for the write up didi. You made all my childhood memories alive. Thank you annoying sibling. Lots of love❤

    1. Hahaha , then u must be that kid who is adorable and mom gal all the time

  9. My brother used to drive me INSANE when we were kids but we've kind of gotten past that (sort of) as adults. Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us!

  10. I never got along with my sister, we always fought when we were little. I guess all siblings have these moments of disagreement

  11. Kids do fight over stupid things. This is just like my boys.

  12. Siblings make life interesting, for sure. I remember have tons of laughs with my family over stupid things. It makes memories.

  13. This is my children!! They do my head in sometimes. I often think they hate each other! But if one of them is at a friends for the night, they miss each other!!

  14. These are funny! Some of them sound like my sister and I growing up.

  15. These are so fun to read. Luckily, I get along great with my siblings. We are all really close in age.

  16. I have a few memories of this as a child growing up. However, the one most recent in my head are my two kids teasing each other

  17. I know it can be hard sometimes with siblings especially when they are younger. But having them is the best things ever I can't imagine my life without my sis and bro

  18. Oh I wish I had a sibling! However, this is relateable as I have two girls that are 2 years apart.

  19. I don't think there is ever a pair of siblings on this earth, that don't go through this phase at some point or another.

  20. Haha. Freaking funny. I burst out at every situation while reading. Definitely loving your write ups. It kinda brings in a positive flow of thoughts. Such a cute blog you own. Never found one in recent times. A little big fan. Me and my husband read your posts regularly. We live in Australia. Thank u for being a part of our life here . Doing a great work. Thank u so much. God bless.

  21. Awesome post. Such cute instances depicted so well. All nostalgic. Lots of love from Malaysia fans ❤ Love you didi. And Aara as well.

  22. I felt this post! My sister and I used to KILL each other growing up, now we barely speak because neither of us have anything over than blood in common.

    This was an hilarious and extremely relate able post!

  23. Those are funny. I never fought much with my own siblings, but some combinations of my kids get along great, and some couldn't get along ever!

  24. My sister is 11 years older. Once when I about 5 or 6 and learning how to swim I was in the deep end of the pool and panicked. I thought I was drowning but my sister was too busy "working on her tan" so she couldn't save me.

  25. hehehe This is so cute and a relate-able post


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