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Life Lessons

PC @Amritha Jan
Scenario 1
(The 1990's)

Me: *Huffing and panting entering home in my blue sports tee and shorts. I looked BEAU-TI-FUL. Fully drenched, the shoe laces untied, slimy hands and feet, scruffy unkempt hair and a few scratches on my right knee and elbow. Hmmm... Din't I say BEAU-TI-FUL? (Well.. playing football in the rain compliments you with all those uninvited add-ons)*

Mom: Looking at me.. *beep beep beep* once again *beep beep beep* Actually after a while of beep beep beeps... (this continues until all the bad words in her dictionary have been used).

Mom: You better run to the nearby grocery and get me few tomatoes, onions, broccoli and blah blah... (the list continues for a few seconds). And if you don't, then u will get no dinner and you will have to sleep on the roads tonight.
*Slams the door *

Me: OK mommy.
(With an evil smile turns towards the road. Wow! that means extra bonus minutes to play in the rain.. Quickly picking up the list and the money pouch.. Runs off to the shop).

Scenario 2.
(The 2000's)

Me (as mommy): Baby can u please help me get some grocery?

My daughter: Few minutes mom.. I am yet to finish the last level (busy hitting the mobile hard with her little fingers).

Me: Errrr...
(Wait.. If it was my mom would she be so calm? All those beep beep beeps quickly flashed my mind.. Hmmm.. Let me tackle this her way).

Me: (Visualizing my mum whilst gathering up all the strewed courage from every corner of my body)
"See Aara, if you are not gonna listen to me I am gonna kick you off this house and give you no food for 2 days. And also tell your dad about all the mischief you had been up to these days! So.. I'm warning you.. for the last time... You better get off that couch and obey my words.. Now!!!!!!!!!"
(Taking long breaths).

My daughter: *For a second lifts her eyes from the mobile to look at me. With zero reaction again looks back into the screen*

Me: (Whaatttt!! Didn't she hear what I said? Wasn't I significant and consequential? Or did I sound like a mundane monotonous and stodgy television soap that she gave me such a reaction?)

*Door bell rings*

The guy with a cap: "Mam your delivery from big basket"

Me: Errr....
(Before a word slips off my mouth)..

"Chill mom. All your veggies at your doorstep. Happy? By the way I had ordered some mangoes too. Can you make me a milkshake please? I'm hungry", she said and continued her game.

Me : %$&?!

Whether it's the kid "me" or the mommy "me".. It's "ME" who gets to do the job invariably..
Lucky as hell..

Off to make the milkshake.



  1. Classy write up ��

  2. Awesome! How easily you expressed the long tedious topic about the generation gap prevailing these days with a hint of humour. Loved it to bits.

  3. Aàwww no words to say...... gotta see this in reality few yrs later... :D

  4. Wow such an awesome one !!

  5. reality bites. awesome story. this is good to share

  6. we will see the future in this story. a nice write up with humor

  7. Nice write up! I enjoyed reading it. :)

  8. Great post and there really is a big difference.

    1. Yes indeed. The difference !! Thank you Luna ♥️

  9. Clever story, nice post, thanks for sharing!

    1. ❤️❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

  10. Haha. Funny.. Unexpected ending and beautiful comparison. Happens with me too all the time. I was a slave to my mom and now a slave to my kid.

  11. Awesome. Your article is a good read. Thank you for sharing. :)

  12. Girl goals you are ! Lovely write up. Waiting for more from you �� keep writing love. Enjoying every bit of your work.

  13. This made me giggle on the inside. Love the running commentary.

  14. This made me chuckle. Kids these days...

    1. Yes ofcourse! Kids these days! Gotta pull up our socks asap...

  15. Such a unique post, it made me laugh

  16. This is a great post, thank you!

  17. Well written, thanks for sharing!

    1. You are welcome! Glad that you liked it ♥️

  18. Love it! I thought I was ther only one looking beautiful after a workout! Keep it up, can't wait to read more.

    1. Haha. Definitely will 💕
      And nah!! You are not the only one there 😜

  19. Happens to all of us when the younger generation does things at the hit of a button!

  20. Haha, really enjoyed reading this. Yup, my boys are only toddlers now but I know this day is fast approaching. Thanks for the beautiful narration

    1. Keep the tips handy... And do comeback for more. 😋

  21. Ooops! This happened last 2 weeks with my mom. Even though she's adjusting slowly, the whole generational gap thing makes us wonder what will happen when we become parents!
    So much lessons in a few lines.

    1. Nevermind Grace!! It's kinda complicated. Comeback for more parenting tips 😁

  22. I like how you turned this around. I can totally relate.

  23. This is such a creative write up and very relatable. Thanks for sharing. The Future on my mind !

  24. Great article it was very relatable. I have kids myself and I know what you mean lol

  25. Haha. Very relatable. I can imagine this to be the scene at our house in some years. Good thing we are already big basketing ;)

  26. This is quite funny... if I will not act ASAP when my Asian Mom told me that, I would expect a flying broom heading to me, or something, LOL

    1. Lol... I can totally relate.. Our moms must be from the same streets
      then ! 😋

  27. Enjoyed reading your post Amreena, it made me smile.

  28. that's what you call a hell of a post. How funny and how deep. Comparison of the technology, the generation gap, the inactivity of kids these days, the way we were scared of our parents which kids these days aren't.. Wow!! Everything in just a few lines.
    A masterpiece. Loved it.

  29. Ahhh nice
    Harsh reality of generation gap
    Thanks for sharing


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