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Types of people you will find in airports

Over the last few years I had spent a lot of time in airports -traveling alone, as a couple, traveling with friends, with a little monster, standing in queues, calming a hyper tantrum edged toddler, sleeping on the floor, moving on belts, eating half-cooked food, name it and I have done it !!
Over the time I made a list of the different types of people you come across in airports..
So.. Here it goes..

Source :Doodland

Number 1 : The overpackers
There are people who inspite of reading all the instructions one by one, underlining and highlighting them, yet carry atleast a 10kg extra stuff in their baggage and hold the queue for ages trying to decide on the importance of the articles packed in order to avoid paying for the extra baggage. (Do I need 5 Toilet paper rolls? Or can I manage with 2?)
God damn!!!!

Number 2 : The Atheletes
I do not know what kind of an emergency situation such people are put into every f*ing time they travel. Last time, I met a guy who cut the long queue stating he had to catch a connecting flight in a few minutes and obviously you let him go! Because? Yes, Humanity!!! And then as a return gift you find him sitting next to you in the same  aircraft!

Number 3 : The business men
Ah! These people spend atleast half of their lives in aircrafts, with the same briefcases, the same suits, the same shoes, laptops and Starbucks. They don't give a sh*t about what's happening around as they have 23115 emails to be responded and a few important decisions to be taken that indirectly affects the GDP of the nation!
So... Let's leave them alone!

Number 4: The Zombies
Also known as "The walking dead"
These are my favourite kinda people. They never ever ever let go of even a minute and utilize it effectively to grab the lost night's sleep. These soulless people have their neck pillows on and sleep anywhere and everywhere- while sitting, while standing, while walking and even while peeing. Because every second is precious. Zzzzzzzzzzz...

Number 5 : The drunkards
These people do not stop their "boozing fancies" at the airport, but carry it on board too literally transforming the cabin crew into a personal bartender until she gets pissed off and declares there are no more bottles of Macallan and Wild Turkey left !!!! (No, I don't drink. It's just the knowledge 😝) And then he turns towards me asking for social help that we humans are known for and demands me to offer mine, my family's drink and my toddler's too !!!

Number 6 : The over stressed parents
This is the most fun group in the whole crowd. They come with personalized bgm wherever they go and it doesn't vary no matter which state or country or continent or planet you belong to, it remains CONSTANT
 "Baby shark do do do do, baby shark..
Daddy finger, daddy finger where are you ..."

You find these helpless souls trying hard to control their hyperactive kid with downloaded YouTube videos in one hand and a dinosaur book, a water bottle, a stuffed panda, the new favourite green monster truck and dozen kinder joys in the other. (Yes! Feel the pain.. It's no joke people🙄). Their bags primarily contain a dozen pampers, wet wipes, bibs, clothes in case the baby poops or pees or throws up. These creatures have nothing else cross their mind and they would regret every minute about just one thing- taking these miniature bombs along was the biggest mistake of their lives.

Number 7 : The plug hunters
Such people need to charge every f*ing electronic gadget of theirs from laptops to tablets to power banks to mobile phones 1,2 and 3. They hunt and capture those plug points like the only ancestral property they have inherited and insist on using it until all their devices showed 100% whilst here I sit with a 5% battery on the only mobile phone I own with two large cracks and a blurred display, thanks to Aara.

No wonder, these people might even bring their rechargeable emergency lamps, torches or even their washing machines to wash clothes on the go, just to hold the plug point from being occupied by somebody else!
Aaarghhhhh... I hate them!

Number 8 : The beauty queen
And no matter which hour of the day you are traveling, you would definitely get to see a couple of these queens in their high heels, polished nails, Mac ruby woo lips, with their falsies, statement rings and fenty gold shimmer on. Nope! Time is no barrier for them, they always look so poised and elegant and aesthetic and..... I stand there in my sweatshirt and pants with a messy top knot and swollen eye bags looking temporarily possessed by Annabelle.

Number 9 : Miscellaneous
In this group are the saddies, the lonely who have just had a heartbreak. Symptoms - red eyes, music, silence, window seat.
The newly wed honeymoon couple. Symptoms - constant blushing, whispering sweet things, holding hands, eye to eye conversations, helping each other with everything like removing the left over rice grains from the mustache after he takes a bite. (Awww... how romantic!)
Then come the Instagrammers. These "Hashtags" have to update every second of their miserable lives in their insta stories- #waiting at the airport, #stranger behind, #late night cappucino, #insomnia hit, #annoying baby nearby, #walking through the scanning machine, #constipated, #unable to poop, #dying of lung disease, #half eaten by a zombie...

Number 10 : The very few RUDE airport staff:
Inspite of the delightful airport staff who keep their constant smile on and reply patiently no matter how many times this dumb head asks the same thing again and again, there are a few staff that are EVIL- purely evil I say. 
Me : "Hello, Hope you are having a good day" (Broad smilee)
The evil staff : "Mam, keep your bags on the belt"

Scenario-2: The evil staff : "Mam you have to pay an extra of $50, as your baggage weight is 0.0001 kg extra!".
Me : Whaaaaatttttttttt???!!

Scenario-3:  Me : "Hey can I have a window seat please. See I am travelling with a new born, so you know I have to breastfeed and.........."
The evil staff : (Interrupts) "Sorry Mam. There are no seats available. You have a middle seat in the middle row and your seat doesn't have cushions, so you need to spend half of your journey by standing. You can probably put your baby in the overhead bin or under your seat"

(*Just exagerrating!!! LOL*)

So what kind of people have you met during your travel? What kind of person are you? Do share your thoughts below. Until next time...
Spreading smiles ..


  1. Oh my God.. What a funny post.. you made me burst out of laughter.. thank you.. awesome work

    1. You are Welcome.. Keep coming back for more :)

  2. Loved it. I am a rare traveler but I have come across the zombies and the plug hunters. They make me loose my shit. totally relatable.

  3. ha ha ha... awesome amreena. you are definitely spreading smiles and laughters and happiness and positivity. loving your work. i am the parent who seems stressed most of the time with peppa pig books and mobile phone rhymes all the time. haha.. couldn't stop laughing.

    1. Haha... Thank you so much for those kind words love.

  4. Loved every bit of it. The examples and narrations are so on point. I haven't traveled in an airplane yet but I could feel every bit of it. It is lovely. Your writing style. A big fan. :) :) :)

    1. Now this is a special comment. When someone who hadn't been there, relates to your write-ups and situations. I feel like an achiever. Thank youu..

  5. Cool one Amree.. Keep the wit going girl!!

  6. The best thing I came across today. thanks for the read man. I have dealt with a lot of lover couples and they seem damn irritating. Beautifully explained. Word by word.
    Thanks Amreena.

  7. Had a hearty laugh after long. The airport staff part. The scenarios were on point. Kudos to your way of narration. As everyone says. Miss Funny bones. �❤

    1. Oh! Now that's a very big and responsible title to keep up to. Thanks heaps <3

  8. My favourite part is you hating the plug hunters....God damn!! Just being greedy all the time for charging ports...I guess they should be classified as new age psycopaths😃

    As are rock ❤️

  9. You nailed it girl. Have never come across female funny bloggers. You are one of a kind. A big fan of your writing. Would love to meet you someday.

    1. Oh! That would be my pleasure. Thanks for the love.

  10. You seem to hate all traveller. Hehe. I am somewhere in between the Zombie and the overpacker, but not completely. As I just cannot pack light--but I never go over. And I don't have a neck pillow, I just do an graceful balancing act. HAHA.

    I agree with you on the airport staff, though. The rudest ones I've encountered are in J F K they're so scary there.

  11. This is such a great post, very realistic. Honestly, I really enjoy reading this and I agree, that some of airport staffs are rude because I personally encountered that.

  12. I am an overpacker LOL but I put all my stuff in one bag so you'll never know!

  13. This post made me laugh. But yes, you are so observant, all these types and categories of passengers do exist!

  14. Haha, what a funny post! I couldn't stop laughing 🤣 I so agree with that beauty queen and plug hunter part 😆 How come those girls look so tip top all the time, God knows 😑😑

  15. i enjoyed reading this and will definitely share with a friend. i laugh when you mentioned the instagrammers as they are ao plenty.

  16.   It hurts but I think I'm one of these haha. Maybe the overpacker.. Lmao. This blog is so hilarious..! Nice job.. ��

  17. I fly a lot and for me, there are 2 very annoying things that people do: 1. they don't come prepared for the security check and block the line and 2. they start forming a queue at the gate half an hour before the boarding even stars, before the plane even arrives from its previous destination. What's the rush with being the first one on the plane? Oh, and not to mention the quarter of the plane going to the loo as soon as the captain turned off the seat belts on sign.

  18. I had my share of laughter here. Nice write. I travel a lot and experienced many things on those 24 hour flights in one direction.

  19. Haha, This really made my day and I found myself here. I think I am one of the overpacker. a 2 days trip and I packed clothes for months so I ended up paying for an extra baggage.

  20. OMG this blog is hilarious! I'm definitely the walking zombie. I probably got an early flight, no sleep the night before and don't plan on getting sleep until later that evening. I'm probably visiting family, which requires a full tank of energy on hand at every moment, so this is only necessary!

  21. I love over packers man...!!! they are just always nervous. hahaha

  22. So on point !I literally saw and always see them ALL

  23. Is it possible to be all of those things at the same time? Because if it is ... then that would be me... being over prepared and sometimes not prepared enough or just fearful I'm not but HEY PARTY OVER HERE!

  24. I love this post! They are all true that's why this is so hilarious. Thanks for the smiles!


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