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Sugar, Spice and everything nice - exploring mommyhood

Life is not always a bed full of roses! Yeah! Not at all. It is a bed full of used bibs, left out pieces of food, toys and toys and toys just to give you that mini fracture when you accidentally land your knee or elbow upon it and a couple of used diapers giving it that "extra sexy" look. Yeah! With a two year old what more can you dream of. I stare at this little human named Aara, at times wondering how topsy turvvy has she turned my life into (for the better ofcourse). Wanna know how much better? Listing a few below...

❤ Gifted with nail marks and bites here.. there.. everywhere. Little does my peeky neighbour knows that this innocent puppy face did that to me, rather she keeps asking me if we had a gala couple time in the bed last night! Hmmmmphhh... Neighbours and their pointy noses - you know.

❤️ Everytime I walk past the beauty salon towards the supermarket to fetch newly launched diapers in the market just to differentiate between dry and extremely dry and pick up the 'extremely dry' one with a hollow hope that it would give me an extra couple of hours of sleep just in case, but end up wrong all the time... Hmmmm.. That was my napping story in vain.. So.. Every time I walk past the beauty salon, I see ladies with great skin and lustrous hair waiting to get inside. My inner self waits to shoot at her.. "Hey woman.. what else on earth do you want?" And here I stand with messy buns, deep dug undereye circles due to the midnight tantrums my toddler is in love with, empty finger and toe nails (feels like I haven't applied nail paints in ages), with unwaxed arms and legs which I bet in a couple of months would make me look like Fiona from "The Shrek" - nah not the princess, the ogre one!  Gosh! Wake up ladies wake up! We also do exist!

❤ And.. If you are to talk about the napping story in detail.. It is like as if her seventh or may be eighth sense could immediately sense me falling asleep, lost in the deepest corner, dreaming of a duet with Le Hubby (which happens only here) that she wakes me up either thrusting her legs against me - I guess that's the actual way of KICKSTARTING one's day, or gifting me with endless marks, or crawling over my face with that poop filled diaper which can even wake a corpse up. Now tell me ! The best option is to freaking get up!? Isn't it?

❤ Sometimes being a mommy helps me discover certain talents that I never knew existed within. For instance, the other day Aara came upto me asking for the chocolate that she hid in the last drawer of the kitchen shelf. I was helping her find it, yes.. With utmost dedication .. though I very well was aware that I had gulped the same last night when I felt like binging, in the middle of the night. But still we searched it together. Ain't we superheroes- we moms? 😜

❤ If someone told me years ago that I would be listening to this "daddy finger daddy finger where are you" , "baby shark and family" and "the wheels on the bus go round and round" over and over and over again until my ears were bleeding enough just because it would be a much soothing melody to the ears rather than those high pitch screams of your toddler, I would have literally laughed my ass out. But now?

❤ And then when I had to quit my job in Dubai (a well paid one I assure you) when I was preggo, I was head over heels to be imagining this little wonder inside my apparently bloated tummy which otherwise is only filled with food. Little did I know that once I left, my colleagues would have taken a 2 minute silence, pitying on the hell of a dragon's mouth that I had stepped my foot into (No, wait actually dragons are nicer. Don't you remember how it helped the guy in 'How to train your dragon' ?? Well.. Nevermind!)

❤ Parenting is all about sharing. Sharing your money, your belongings, your time, your energy, your every thing (I insist-everything indeed!) what's yours is theirs and what's theirs is... Definitely theirs. Though it is a Rollercoaster ride that I had never ever imagined, I used to wonder when I get compliments from friends and family about how well and defined a mom I am. Well.. That's why we had been blessed incredibly with this task coz THEY were sure none other could make it but WE !!

Yes it is messy, it is challenging, it is sleepless, it is demanding, it is arduous, it is Crazy, but the love and laughter these little ones fill in your lives is....
unparalleled and peerless.
Well.. Happy motherhood to all you crazy mommys out there! 😘


  1. As crazy as it can be. Love your writing style. Very unique.

  2. Haha. Cute article . Especially the 2 minute silence from your colleagues part. Enjoyed every bit of it. Happy motherhood. You r a superwoman. Loving your writeups day by day.

    1. I'm sure you are too... Glad you liked it. Thanks heaps pal 😍

  3. Awesome into and conclusion. Beautifully written. Had been waiting for your article. Now will wait for the next one Lol. You are under immense pressure girl. Haha.

    1. Lol Yeah. Now that's a vicious circle. Thanks for the love babe 💕

  4. Wow. Tooooo good. Your daughter is too lucky to have a Cutee mom like yew. Loved reading every line.

    1. ❤️ ❤️ That's a lovely compliment.. Thank u.

  5. Cute article. Had that smile throughout. Thank you for making my day. ��

    1. The pleasure is mine. Do come back for more "making my day" stuff 😁

  6. ambree..i can totally relate from a to i was reading line by line..i was lik "welcome to my life"!!!...from romantic movie songs to wheels on the bus, wate rollercoaster ride, seriously?! not to forget the same 7th sense that make them call "amma i want poop" just when we are about to indulge in a yummalicious breakfast/lunch...or just when hubby man tries to steal a kiss from his woman-love aaaannddd baaammm that s when our lil princess go for the thirsty call "maa...thani venum" (need some water)!!! poor hubby boy...;-) and what about nights??? especially when u co-sleep with ur baby...3 in king size bed!!...cummonn...still no space!!! babies will always sleep perpendicular to parents and that s where i learned geometry in loved this blog..way to go..and cheers to us...;-)

    1. Haha. True AF. The geometry though and I sure don't understand how they always end up perpendicular ?! Cheers to us again 🙌

  7. Being a mommy is so hard! I feel like there are never enough hours in the day. When you really make time for yourself, even just a few minutes, it can make all the difference. Keep being great mama!

    1. That's true. Stealing a few minutes seems like a "treacherous mission accomplished" !! 😀

  8. Nice job you are doing here! You are unique and I love it.

  9. You seem to be a great mother! hahaha :)

  10. Great read! As a father of one and another one on the way I can relate. Funny stuff

    1. Haha. Thanks pal. Hearty congrats to you on that!! ❤️

  11. Great post, I like your quirky writing style ��

  12. really good article,use full for all the women in world
    Indian diet for flat stomach

  13. great post! fun to read!!! link swap???

    1. Thank you 😊 glad that you enjoyed it!! ❤

  14. Oh yes, this girl, exploring MOMMYHOOD right now. I love my son, he's just <3 but man oh man, the things they don't tell you about breast feeding.......

  15. I remember those days :) They do get better and right when they hit 4, they make leaps and bounds in maturity.

    1. They sure do.. but these times are so special ❤️

  16. I love your writing style.
    I also can completely relate to this. I have my 3 year old nephew living with me. And everyday with that little man is on a different craze level from the previous day. But I love him and I can't let myself imagine what it would be like if he weren't here.

  17. I love reading articles like this! So sweet. Thanks for sharing your experience :)

  18. That was so cute. I just love how you describe us motherhood in just a few lines.

  19. Oh wow, What a fun read. That was so sweet. Your kids are so lucky to have you.

  20. Whtat a cute mom you are. I can totally relate to that. Being a mom is full of challenges.

  21. I just love reading this. How lucky your kids are to have a cute mom like you :)

  22. Very nice article. I don't have children so I can't really relate to all your stories but from a mom's point of view I can imagine that you have so many amazing moments with your daughter. There are challenges but the rewards are so worth it.

  23. I don't have children (yet) but am a live-in nanny so definitely know how hard it can be!

  24. I may or maynot have hidden in the bathroom to eat candy by myself, so don't worry we all do it! Being a parent has changed me in so many ways, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Oh motherhood would really drive you crazy, can't imagine how mothers could survived the sleepless nights.

  26. What a beautiful post! Mommyhood isn't easy but it is rewarding!

  27. Aww sissy I can totally relate this to my current situation with 14 month old baby girl.. I guess i should meet u up in person to get lot of mommy things & on how to train ur little one .. 😛 seriously


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