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Hoarding until... Forever?!

That 2 year old pallazo pants gifted to you by your sister-in-law, which you pretty much know you have outgrown. That 4 year old magazine lying there just because it holds the picture of your favorite actor who is a dad of a cute little toddler now. (Yay! Hearty congrats to him). The 5 and a half year old blanket that once decorated your hostel room and was the only room decor you ever ever owned- that sometimes role-played as a curtain, a food mat and a floor mat even (yuk!) lying there with few strands of thread on the verge of detachment but still clinging on to tight.

Whenever I think of ways to part with them, an invisible hand from nowhere seizes them all and puts them back to place, convincing me with valid bulletins which confirms their place for another 3 years.

Those nail paints and lippers that have successfully crossed their expiry dates but you don't just feel like discarding them away. Like.. How can I be so rude???? I once pampered them like my own descendants and now you want me to dump them? How rude a mum I would be?! Shouldn't I be setting an example to the generation that is to follow?? (Ah! stop! That's a bit too much now).

Well.. I call it "The hoarding disorder"
To be more precise and clear...

Things that ought to have found a place in the trash almost a decade or a century ago and still lying there with pride on your shelves motionless with no purpose whatsoever. Yes!! And statistics reveal that 9 out of every 10 people around the world are affected with this hidden disorder which can turn out to be fatal and also comes with negligible symptoms. (LOL.. Come on.. you know that's not true, wait .. don't you? )

Nevertheless it's amusing to see how even disorders get updated with time. Now hoarding has also slowly proved itself worthy enough for the digital world. Decided to de-clutter a few pictures from my mobile gallery just to provide some space to this hungry monster which keeps engulfing and expanding every now and then and demands for more and more. And guess what, I am unable to decide with which picture will go to the trash and which may come handy just to be used as a status update for a once lost friend of mine on her birthday which I had forgotten years ago and might just probably get reminded through fb.
So yeah..
This my friends is called hoarding.

And I'm sure every "HUMAN" on this planet has it inbuilt in the system. (now you definitely gotcha comment yours or you will be in trouble) lol
So tell me about yours!?😉


  1. Funny as hell. LMAO. ��

  2. Haha. I thought it was only me. I couldnt get over my obsession for slings. I have a 100 of them lying still without being able to judge as to which will go into the trash.

    1. 😁 😁 You will be able to decide .. Someday.. Wishing you luck!!

  3. Haha. Loved it to bits. Such a witty post. ❤️

  4. That definition though. Slayed it girl. Wow ! Never come across such witty post recently. ��Loved it.

  5. Wow. I dint understand at first. Then slowly things started turning up and at the end I sat here laughing. I am a hoarder too especially with clothes. That don't fit me. Haha. And. awesome work. Keep up.

    1. Thanks Ana. Not to worry. As I said it's a human trait. 😝

  6. I'm sure almost everyone must be suffering from your so called "disorder" ;) Awesome portrayal !! Loved it dee❤❤

  7. I have so much decluttering to do -- some of it is not my fault. My father just moved in with a lot of stuff from his home. LOL Good post!

    1. Hahaha 😁 your father must definitely read this post then.

  8. I have hoarding tendencies with my books. I have books that I haven't read in years that I keep in my bookshelf, thinking that I'll read them again but it never happens

    1. Well totally relatable. I used to even hold back my school books incase I would need some kind of "basic concept" referrals anytime.. 😜
      Thanks to my dad's transfer, they all got a new life. 😂

  9. dude yes. I'm trying so hard to let go and stop horading! I def have an issue with things like 7 year old magazines. Like why? lol.

  10. It’s hard deciding on what to let go, because I’ve regretted some stuff later on. But it’s so freeing when you go get rid of stuff!

    1. True though. Hope you master the art soon. 😎

  11. Must say witty post. It took me 45 seconds to realize that. Great one though

  12. Me to a T. My whole house really. I need about two weeks odd no husband and kids to Dr clutter. Lol.

  13. I think i'm the opposite, I cannot stand clutter or to much stuff. Lord help my poor husband when I was pregnant because I cleaned everything and sorted and got of so much stuff.

    1. 😀 😀 Hope your "poor" husband has got tiny weeny inmates now to lend a hand.

  14. I have always been one to declutter, especially because I move so often and I hate packing junk I don't need! That being said, I do find it hard to get rid of beauty products like you said.

  15. I love minimalism, but I find myself hoarding things without realizing it. It's an odd balance between the two vibes.

    1. Subconscious disorder. . its called!! 😂 Lol

  16. Haha this is great! Sometimes I feel like I have that "Hoarding Disorder" myself -- but I've been pushing myself to declutter as much as possible in recent years!

    1. That's good Emily :) Do let me know if you emerge successful.

  17. Haha This made my day. I feel the same way too. I am obsessed with bags and shoes and I totally don't understand why I'm doing the same thing.

    1. Nevermind you are just in the first stage of the so called 'disorder' :p

  18. Haha! I used to keep lots of momentos, but now I use the KonMari system for purging and it's helped a ton!

  19. SO. TRUE. I feel so much empathy to my THINGS--I can remember how much everything cost, or who gave it to me, or how much I wanted it. The worst for me is clothing. Even when I purge my closet (a whole bin last time!) it still looks as overwhelming as ever.

    1. Now that's one of the main causes of hoarding. Getting your invisible mental strings attached to them.

  20. Thank you so much for sharing this. It is witty but so true. I am someone who struggles to get ride of all my stuff even though I know it needs to go.

    1. Thank u Maggie 😊 The struggle is real girl!

  21. Thank you for sharing this post. It so true. I have had my share of hoarding days.

  22. I'm good about not holding onto physical things, but I am absolutely a digital hoarder! My phone capacity is almost at its limit. Again.

    1. 😬 Relatable! Atleast you are the owner of a spick and span house!!

  23. Hey, if it makes you happy, go for it! I know someone who would hoard antiques. She still has them in her home and continues to buy more.

    1. Haha rightly said. If it makes you happy then yes.. Go for it!! Just that you will have to find your house in the heap of hoards. 😜

  24. Wow I can totally understand! I’ve been practicing more non-attachment these day and just getting rid of everything

    1. Haha. The theory of non-attachment comes with perseverance. 😁 Good luck

  25. This is so funny! I used to be like this when I was younger but now that I’m older I get rid of everything. Usually it’s the opposite but... hahhaa great article!

  26. I try and declutter several times a year! I hate having useless junk in my home cluttering my thoughts and life!

  27. I think I have a similar problem and then I just go tired of seeing all the things in my closes and I decided enough is enough. I started giving away clothes and then sorting out the ones that I can donate! It's a tough life, I think I'm starting to hoard again, lol!

  28. omg I didn't know this habit is a disorder. So I am! hahaha...but I've been trying to get rid some of those things recently. Well deciding which one was so difficult.

    1. Nevermind Noor. Well.. You are Free to contact me anytime 😉

  29. What a witty post. LMAO. 😂😂

  30. We've all been through this phase of hoarding or holding onto things unnecessarily. At least you've realised and accepted it, which is the first step towards change.

  31. It's a good idea to clean out your closet from time to time, but also to hold on to items that you love. Just be sure it doesn't get to be too much.


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