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The Elevator THING

I hate elevators!!

Yes. Elevators according to me are the wierdest places to be on Mother Earth. Like who would want to spend few minutes of his entire life stuck up amid a bunch of complete strangers? 

🌎 Why don't people get it? If one has to go to the 4th floor from the 2nd, he has to technically go to the 4th from the 2nd... Instead why does he come all the way to the 1st floor, pick me up and then head towards the 4th and make it difficult for the fellow passengers creating that congestion? Like are we bonded in anyway that you are showing me this concern- by picking and dropping me off??

🌎 Why is it that people forget their existence and stand like a bizzare statue until their destined floor arrives? Their senses are regained only when the door is about to close and they exit, giving free elbow and knee, hand and shoulder massages to their fellow mates.

🌎 Why? Why do people have to talk in ear-splitting tones in that small room? Like no one is interested in your newly wed brother's honeymoon trip or on your left leg which had a spasm the day before or on how bad your wife cooks.
Come on guys! Grow up!

🌎 Why is it that people do not use deodorants? For God's sake they were invented for people like YOU. Please understand and consider the health and well being of the fellow HUMANS. You are toxic to the environment. 

🌎 Why do poeple face the other way and stand in that extremely awkward position facing the rest of us? Don't you understand, you have to turn the other way around and not let your awful breath on the guy standing in front of you. Remember.. He has a family too. His little son must be waiting for him to bring that remote control car that he had promised a week ago. 
So please!! Do not kill him!

🌎 And what do you mean by 'STOP, STOP, STOP', when you hadn't even selected the floor where you are destined to be in? Do you expect the lift to get converted into a smart device and read your voice command? Or do you expect us to put our precious lives at stake and hang midway by stopping it for you? Or do you expect us to open the door and throw you out without worrying about where your bones would land?

🌎 And lastly..
Like why can't a person control his gassy tummy for a period of 2 minutes? How the hell can you expect others to "enjoy" getting a sneak peak of what you had early that morning? For God's sake these gassy people must be banished from this planet I say.

And it goes on...

So these were some of the experiences I had come across. Have you faced such annoying situations in an elevator? If so then you are free to rant about it below 👇😁

PC. Priya Muralidharan


  1. dr_ranganathan27 May 2018 at 14:55

    Most hilarious blog I have read recently. Made my day.

  2. Yes. I have experienced most of it. Especially the loud noise and bad breath one. ��

  3. Hahaa very funny but actually it's all very true, especially when people are ready to travel in the crowded lift rather than walking to a single floor with the Goddamn stairs.

    1. Happens. I told you life is complicated 😂

  4. Exactly..especially those people who don't use deodorants ...ugggh can't tolerate that

    1. That's why everyone should learn deep sea diving. :p

  5. Yessss elevator.... it's really hard..😓

  6. very true. especially when parents with kids enter, most of them dont pay attention to check if the hands and legs of their little ones are away from the door. people must be more responsible I say.
    good write up.
    when things are conveyed in a funny way. it reaches many.
    good job.

    1. Thank u. And good that you are sharing your views on the same. Will definitely reach out to those intended. 👍

  7. Funny :$
    Where there is too much of stress and hatred everywhere, ppl like u are an abolute necessity. Thanks mate.
    Enjoyed reading. ^-^

    1. Thank you ❤️ ❤️ Let's together make it better. 😇

  8. Me and my friend burst out laughing while reading your blog. You and your exaggerations. Too Funny. ��

    1. Nice to hear that. ❤️ Thank ya :) :)

  9. Shit.!! Your comments are making me lol too. Rofl.

    1. Now your beautiful take-off left me guessing if that was a compliment or not. 😋

  10. So funny - really unique blog - loved it x

  11. oh same here, I dont like them at all!

  12. Ha ha this really cracked me up! You are right on point. The elevator scenrios happens all the time and I am a teacher so see it all the time when I ask questions, my students try to hide...


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