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3am thoughts

Sometimes I wonder how people get so intense and dour during this part of the day and night routine. Like what's so special about this time?

Ordinary people become poets all of a sudden, the guy next door acts like a philosophical thinker of all times, people in love feel their hormones gushing in an extraordinary pace, babies kick start their inflating metabolism rates and butt in on their dozing parents, people with broken insides wet their pillows in torment metastasizing the woe to every other cell in the body...
And then...
There's me....

I sit here as an undernourished esurient hungry monster, raiding through the house for some nibbles and munchies..
Hmmmmmmpphhh priorities though...

So what kind of 3am person are u??

PC. Amreenajan (well.. that's my scribble) 😬 


  1. Its common sleeping time for hardcore software engineer during production release and post prod support.

    1. Yep. Who would want to show off their puffy bloated eyes to their to-be clients after all.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. From the title I thought you are going to convey something intense. But you �� haha.
    Ms. Funnybones

    1. Shhh.. Don't open it up. Trying to maintain that hype. 😋

  3. R u sure ur a hungry monster only at 3am?

  4. And now u hav started to scribble too. U are a surprise package girl. inspiring .waiting for more .

  5. Haha. nice twist. loved it.

  6. Haha same here !:D
    Btw well written !:)

  7. I am a night owl too. !!!
    Simple things in the most effective way expressed with a hint of humour.
    Love your write ups :-) :-) :-)

  8. 3am., it's about going to sleep mode however mode starting from 1.30 and then gradually got at 3.00 am. So taking a bottle of water and slept every night.
    But for you I could say 3am and your relation is far so may be in coma😂😂😂😂

    1. P. S. - my relationship with 3am is the above mentioned only. Nothing more nothing less 😜

  9. Hungry monster ...not only at 3 am ..but evry 24*7....its so.

  10. Had a hearty laugh. Thank you. Love your articles.

  11. I'm the 3am kind that read blogs and comment 😅😆.

    1. I love such kinda people. Keep doing the same. May God bless you. 😂

  12. Enjoyed your article man. I am the one who lays down there like a corpse at 3am

    1. Haha. Some do it during the day. You are far better. 😁

  13. 3am thinking things that I need to remember specially when it comes to work hahahha

    1. Atleast you do it when you are clean, most of them do it when they are cleaning themselves.. either the shower or during the unloading session. 💩 💩

  14. Think how productive d next day cud be,... but definitely my enjoyin the dairy milk hidden under my bed...

    Hid it so my wife doesn becom a "Fatty" 🤣🤨

    1. And you do instead . 😛 Just to give this poor girl a company. Friendship goals tab. You are the best 😁

  15. I want to tell a secret to those of us; who their relationship/ marriage is going into misery beyond repair. And first before I begin, I want to first assure you readers, that there is no situation without a solution. Don’t leave that your horrible marriage you are almost fed up with…instead of running, why not stand to fight peace into it?? There is no strong marriage that has true love that is without a fight, and there is also no marriage that is without the experience of sweet and sour. With the one I experience, that I thought it’s finished there is nothing anybody can do about it. It’s was so hopeless to that level that I never believe it can be restored back again. God directed me to and open my eyes that those errors and mistakes in marriage if been corrected, these are the things that makes a strong marriage. With Dr Osebor, I was able to get him back, after 2yrs of total separation. During before that time I got him back…I have no life without him and can’t imagine myself laying into another man arms after I have already spend so much years in a relationship with my husband before we now finally got married with the help of the great Dr Osebor…and that was when I noticed, that we women, we are the cause of most of our problems. And I want to give you an insight prove for that…most of our ladies are lucky with good men who truly have love in their heart; and almost of them don’t the value gift of a good man. while others, are sorrowing love over a man who doesn’t love them. Please, readers. If you read this comment and you have been facing sorrow with your love one’s, I want to tell you that, the end of that sorrow and misery is done. Dr Osebor, is the key you need to open every close doors of happiness, rejoice, love and satisfaction into that your relationship. I will help you by leaving his email below” contact him and cry to him for help. and let him help you to get out of that misery you don’t belong to.( } you can also call or what sapp him on( +2348073245515 ) that's his direct email and what sapp number and contact and he will reply back and help you with whatever problems you want him to help you with. And please be obedient to follow instructions.. thanks to you once again Dr Osebor the trustful person and the great father of love.
    his email again for Whats App +2348073245515


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